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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Post-Apocalypse Cosplay Dust Mask

In honor of all my NorCal peeps who are wearing their N-95 dust masks because of the wildfires. Also appropriate for anyone still procrastinating on their Burning Man costumes.

Post apocalypse cosplay mask and goggles
I know it's bad in Northern California, but when my friend said they were wearing masks to go shopping I decided to make a costume version. Not to make light of the danger and or impact of the fires. But if you have to wear a mask you can also make it a design project. Post-apocalypse seemed all too appropriate.

Whipped up a quick and dirty post-apocalypse covering for an old N-95 mask. Great way to get rid of some bits-and-bobs from my scavenging.

Not the best and it's held together with hot glue, but good enough to keep parts from for a serious cosplay session.

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1 comment:

  1. A cosplay mask is excellent if you want to enjoy your Halloween. It is simple and easy to wear and you can stay comfortable while wearing it for the whole day.
